Discovery alert 342408

Discovery alert Cat  Unknown Luisant France


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Animal sheet
  • Age
  • Sex Unknown
  • Race Cat Europäisch Kurzhaar
  • Health Alive / apparently in good health
  • Size 45 cm
  • Weight 3 kg
  • Color Tabby / Black / Brown
  • Collar
  • Microchip Undefined
  • Castrated Undefined

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Last known location

Found on
  • Date 15.09.2024
  • Time 15:30
  • Address , Luisant, Eure-et-Loir (28)
PetAlert FrancePetAlert Eure-et-Loir 28PetAlert 28 LuisantDiscovery CatSOS catNotice of discoveryReport discoveryHelp researchFind owner Cat foundAlert cat foundAnnouncement cat found

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