Disappearance alert 341482

Disappearance alert Dog  Male , 13 years Grez-Neuville France


Chien âgé, très doux, n'entend plus beaucoup


Animal sheet
  • Name Gaspard
  • Age 13 years
  • Sex Male
  • Race Dog Brittany spaniel
  • Size 52 cm
  • Weight 21 kg
  • Color Tan / White
  • Collar Yes
  • Microchip Yes
  • Castrated No
Details of the collar
  • Color : Brown
  • Type of necklace : Leather

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Last known location

Last seen
  • Date 25.08.2024
  • Time 11:45
  • Address Rte du Lion d'Angers, 49220 Grez-Neuville, Maine-et-Loire (49)
PetAlert FrancePetAlert Maine-et-Loire 49PetAlert 4949220 Grez-NeuvilleDisappearances DogSOS dogWanted noticeNotice of disappearanceReport disappearancesSearch helpFind dogDog LostDog GoneAlert dog lostAnnouncement dog lost

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